Taking the time to reconnect with people.
29.05.2015 |
As a creative I often struggle with the word ‘business.’ And indeed the world of ‘business.’
Firstly, I am not a capitalist, I am a socialist (why is that such a dirty word?) Anyone who has followed me on the various social channels will have worked that bit out.
I am not motivated by money, I am motivated by people but more importantly by making people happy. However in the day-to-day client briefs, meetings and diary chasing it can be very easy to forget how that drives everything I do.
This week I have been working on an incredible project with Active Plus, who do the most phenomenal work with military vets and local communities.
For reasons I won’t go into some of these sessions have been challenging from a physical ‘work’ point of view.
Filming really hasn’t been easy; I’ve had to take a step back and think about the challenges that the people in the rooms have faced and indeed are still facing.
Stepping back allowed me to witness the group coming together to overcome their challenges, and in the few days I spent with them I could see bonds and friendships being forged.
They were creating a supportive community, a society in microcosm.
Do you know what else I noticed? How much they were grinning by the end of the sessions. It was emotional, but not in a weepy way, in a joyous way. The creation of this mini-society had made them happy.
Often as a journo, out on a job with camera and mic you are there to document, not interact. That could breach impartiality, which for any good journalist is paramount.
At the end of one session that I was filming I just couldn’t stop myself from expressing how chuffed I was for the group and how far they had come. Subsequently I even found myself feeling better for having given them a metaphorical high five.
These incredible people, whom I had observed for a few days, were genuinely grateful that I, an observer and I’m sure at times mild camera waving distraction, was on their side.
So why the political stance at the top of this blog? Well because as a socialist, I believe, that in order for any society to flourish, grow and evolve then the more fortunate in society should support less fortunate.
So often the disenfranchised are demonized and vilified, whilst Business (note the capital B there) is granted the highest level of respect. It has become an entity in it’s own right and thus is seen as being more important than people.
Yet surely people have to feature higher on the list of importance than business and money or we have created a society that is far from civilized.I am incredibly proud that the company I work for MPAD, who re-branded last year as The Positive Impact Agency. I truly believe that everyone who works in this place genuinely has a very strong ethical and moral compass. We understand that we have a responsibility to society as well as to our clients and fellow staff.
We all want to make a positive impact.
Although we won’t change the world, together we will make a difference.
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